The basic question answered in this article is as follows: what is the basis and method of relationship between Islamic philosophy and humanities? In this article, we attempt to show the terms of Islamic philosophy and humanities so that we may find a way for systematic durability of Islamic philosophy in theorizing in humanities. To do so, the path is covered step by step. The main innovation of the article is formed according to Allama Tabatabaie's theory on "philosophy". According to Allama's theory, philosophy is responsible for proving the existence of subject in any science. This is while for well-known Islamic thinkers, the subject of any science is a better criterion for identifying it than two other criteria, i.e. "method" and "goal". For Allama Tabatabaie and Murteza Mutahhari, the main duty of philosophy is to prove the existence of the subject of any science as well as to produce method of theorization proper to the subject of that science. The whole findings of the product of proving the existence and the mode of existence of the subject as well as the proper method make up the philosophy of humanities. If the philosophy of humanities is systematically extracted from the related Islamic teachings, we will have an Islamic approach in the realm of philosophy of humanities, and consequently, a starting point for theorization.