Defining, or analyzing, knowledge is among the essential issues dealt with in an epistemological approach, based on analytic philosophy. Most of the philosophers in analytic tradition try to suggest a philosophical, or realistic, definition of knowledge. To do so, they begin with criticizing the traditional definition of knowledge as “True Justified Belief”, and continue with its modification, ending up with a definition that is supposed to be comprehensive. They not only have not come to a consensus, but also their disagreements has widened. On the other hand, there are those who see it inappropriate to analyze knowledge.
The author doubts that a philosophical or realistic definition of knowledge is needed. He even deems it impossible. Instead, he suggests that it is enough to have a conventional definition of knowledge, by which the dispute is resolved. Although some contemporary theoreticians share the idea of denying the possibility of a realistic definition for knowledge, the article tries to suggest a substitute to solve the dispute.