"Human action" is one of the issues that have always been considered by thinkers. In this regard, Muslim philosophers have made lots of efforts to explain the problem of human action. They divide human actions into two categories, "Javareh" (those of bodily organs) and "Javaneh" (those of the mind); although they disagree over the explanation of the latter, in the analysis of the former, they agree that human action is of the type of "agent by intention". Their analysis of Javarehi actions faces some challenges one of the important of which is that they failed to reconcile between human free will and causal relation. Having offered a novel interpretation about how human action takes place, the authors go to demonstrate that human actions including both Javarehi and Javanehi are of the type of "agent by manifestation". Accordingly, human free will does not contradict causal necessity. This is because "agent by manifestation" theory gives an interpretation consistent with both human free will and causal necessity.