Ma`rifat Falsafi, Volume 12, Issue 1, No 45, Year 2025 , Pages 11-29

    Nature of Analytical Causality: A New Proposal for the Classification of Causality in Islamic Philosophy

    Article Type: 
    ✍️ Seyed Mustafa / Assistant professor, University of Yasouj. /
    The present article is an attempt towards explaining the nature of a neglected type of causality, i.e. analytical causality. Clarification of the meaning of causality is the first step. Two premises are raised in this regard. Firstly the distinction between "concept", meaning, extension, and reality is made. Then it is explained that the principal field of research for philosophers here is the meaning. Secondly a single affair is capable of applying to multiple meanings. According to these two premises, analytical causality seems not only reasonable but necessary. Although not asserting analytical causality as a type of causality, Islamic philosophers have frequently used the word "causality" in cases where no existential otherness is present between the cause and effect. Based on the rule of "there is no concomitance without causality" recognized unanimously by Islamic philosophers, it is possible to justify the following examples as those of analytical causality: the concomitance between subjective considerations as fact- themselves, that of existence and quiddity, that of the two necessary beings by themselves (names and attributes of God with His essence), and that of the two impossible beings by themselves (circularity in argument and priority of a thing to itself). In spite of equivocal homonymy, external and analytical causality are distinct as being primary intelligible or secondary one, being an example of two opposites or not, and their domain. Proposing analytical causality requires further explanation towards classification of causality finally dealt with in the article.
    چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
    Title :چیستى علّیت تحلیلى طرحى نو از انقسام علّیت در فلسفه اسلامى
    این نوشتار سعى بر تبیین چیستى علّیت تحلیلى، قسمى مغفول از علّیت، دارد. روشنسازى معناى علّیت، نخستین گام است و بدین منظور دو مقدمه بیان مى شود. نخست مقام «مفهوم»، «معنا»، «مصداق» و «واقع» طرح، و سپس بیان مى شود که ساحتى که فیلسوف در آن سیر مى کند، معناست. دوم آنکه امر واحد مى تواند مصداق معانى کثیر قرار گیرد. بنا بر این دو مقدمه، طرح علّیت تحلیلى نه تنها معقول، بلکه ضرورى مى نماید. فلاسفه اسلامى هرچند بر وجود علّیت تحلیلى به منزله قِسمى از علّیت تصریح نداشته اند، بارها لفظ علّیت را در مواضعى به کار برده اند که میان علت و معلول تغایر وجودى برقرار نیست. بر اساس قاعده «لاتلازم من دون علیه»، که همه فلاسفه اسلامى آن را قبول دارند، مى توان تلازمات میان اعتباریات نفس الامرى، وجود و ماهیت، واجبین بالذات (اسماء و صفات الهى با ذات الهى) و ممتنعین بالذات (دور و تقدم شى ء بر نفس) را به علّیت تحلیلى بازگرداند. به رغم اشتراک معنایى، علّیت خارجى و تحلیلى در معقول اولى یا ثانى بودن، مصداق متقابلین واقع شدن، و گستره از یکدیگر متمایزند. طرح علّیت تحلیلى، تبیین دیگرى از انقسام علّیت را مى طلبد که در پایان به آن اشاره مى شود.  
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    Fayyazi, Gholam Reza, , Seyed Mustafa.(2025) Nature of Analytical Causality: A New Proposal for the Classification of Causality in Islamic Philosophy. Ma`rifat Falsafi, 12(1), 11-29


    Gholam Reza Fayyazi; Seyed Mustafa ."Nature of Analytical Causality: A New Proposal for the Classification of Causality in Islamic Philosophy". Ma`rifat Falsafi, 12, 1, 2025, 11-29


    Fayyazi, G, , S.(2025) 'Nature of Analytical Causality: A New Proposal for the Classification of Causality in Islamic Philosophy', Ma`rifat Falsafi, 12(1), pp. 11-29


    Fayyazi, G, , S. Nature of Analytical Causality: A New Proposal for the Classification of Causality in Islamic Philosophy. Ma`rifat Falsafi, 2025; 12(1): 11-29